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  • Jurgita Jaroslavienė
    Institute of the Lithuanian Language (Vilnius)
  • Juris Grigorjevs
    Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia
    Institute of the Lithuanian Language (Vilnius)


The workshop is devoted to contemporary phonetic and phonological research of standardized modern Baltic languages and dialects. The suggested workshop topics and issues are the following:

  • Synchronic research of the phonetics and phonology of modern Lithuanian and Latvian and their dialects: aspects, innovations and perspectives.
  • Instrumental research of vocalism, consonantism and prosody, their trends and methods.
  • Relationship between modern Baltic languages and dialects: the principles of the analysis of the structure of auditory speech.
  • Comparative instrumental research of the sounds of standard Lithuanian and Latvian.
  • Phonetic and phonological classification of sounds: variations, problems and nuances.
  • Opportunities of sound recognition: research of special universal phonetic aspects, and the creation of a language synthesizer.
  • The variety of data bases and other digital resources and their practical use in carrying out instrumental sound research.
  • Opportunities and motifs of the choice of research material and research methodology used for research of experimental phonetics.
  • Your suggested topic or issue.

Accepted papers


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