Plenary session:
- Baltic from an Indo-European perspective
organizers: Miguel Villanueva Svensson, Jenny Larsson - Baltic texts from the 16th-19th c. at the crossroads of internal and external linguistics
organizers: Vilma Zubaitienė, Birutė Kabašinskaitė, Gina Kavaliūnaitė - Balto-Slavic accentology (IWoBA 11)
organizers: Vytautas Rinkevičius, Mikhail Oslon, Tijmen Pronk - Contacts of Baltic and Finnic languages
organizers: Gunta Kļava, Miina Norvik - Function words in the Baltic languages
organizers: Artūras Judžentis, Norbert Ostrowski - Globalization and regionalism: Interaction of languages and cultures in the process of glocalization
organizers: Sanita Lazdiņa, Ilga Šuplinska - Latgalian (8th Conference of Latgalian Studies)
organizers: Lidija Leikuma, Aleksey Andronov - Research on Baltic proper names in the context of European onomastics
organizers: Grasilda Blažienė, Ilga Jansone - Research on the phonetics and phonology of modern Baltic languages
organizers: Jurgita Jaroslavienė, Juris Grigorjevs - Space in the Baltic languages
organizers: Eglė Žilinskaitė-Šinkūnienė, Inesa Šeškauskienė, Sandra Gaigalaitė - The static and dynamic in Baltic dialect research: the object, and the theoretical and methodological principles
organizers: Danguolė Mikulėnienė, Anna Stafecka - Verbal morphosyntax in the Baltic languages
organizers: Andra Kalnača, Ilze Lokmane, Daiki Horiguchi - Word-formation and beyond in the Baltic languages
organizers: Nicole Nau, Jurgis Pakerys
General section: